Spotty Dog: fuelled by passion (and sometimes Rhubarb gin!). Years of commuting and conforming to the ‘Brand Police’ method of doing work, created the perfect environment to do something completely different…
Welcome to Spotty Dog Strategy, home of doing things differently! We are passionate believers in finding creative and imaginative ways to learn, explore and make stuff happen.
There are enough elements of work that squash our joie de vie: imagining the future, creating the treasure map to make it happen and discovering new skills on the way, shouldn’t be one of them.
Spotty Dog Strategy
Imagining the Future
Creating the treasure map to make it happen
Discovering new skills on the way
Unlocking our creative juices allows us to step out of the box and enjoy the journey to making our organisations’ better places to do what we do. We are hard wired to remember the best and worst experiences of our lives, over the mundane; so let’s ditch the mundane and do something different.
There are so many benefits to this philosophy. We don’t understand why anyone would choose anything else!
Meet the Founders
Richard Matthews, Managing Director
Richard has 25 years’ experience working in strategy and insight on the client side (Nokia and Vodafone) and in insight consultancies. This included board director/MD innovation at GfK UK.
Richard’s passion is to help teams get the best from their people and implement good decisions based on the wealth of data they possess. Richard has been actively involved in insight best practice forums since 1999, running the UK MRS Clientside insight training course for 15 years and providing consultancy to client insight and marketing teams since 2006.
Richard enjoys doing sport and playing music…but not at the same time!
Catherine Matthews, Creative Director
Catherine has many years’ experience in developing and delivering bespoke strategy and training programmes. Her passion for seeing both people and organisations working to their full potential fuels her work.
Her love of structured systems and planning, has been used in auditing organisations’ internal processes and creating action plans. She relishes using her creative skills to solve problems and create order out of chaos.
Catherine enjoys up-cycling furniture and making lights out of Jelly moulds!